The English Log

Still heavily in the beta phase, The English Log was originally hosted at "" with the same name. This blog was intended as a onestop site for learners as well as teachers of English. As it is now, it's a deposit of "leftovers, thoughts, brainwaves", which strives to be educational as well as personal.
"Only the educated are free." (Epictetus)

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Students Create

2007.12.30. 21:38 | myenglish | Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: funny mistakes

As we all know, students are more ingenious and creative than we might expect. This page is dedicated to noteworthy (ie. funny and/or creative) products of learners. If you have anything of this sort, you are more than welcome to share it! (myenglish[at]teacher[dot]com)

How about this one first?

The hijacker stepped into the pilot cock. (ie. cockpit)

Next, let's have take some examples when word tests go wrong. (The words on the left --either English or Hungarian-- were given and students had to supply the translation.) Sorry, you need to be a speaker of Hungarian to enjoy these...

freshman = fitt ember
freshman = új gyerek
letartóztatni = dragoner
támadás = fire
kozmetikus = cosmopolitan
plasztikai sebész = plastic ambulance
violence = erőszag

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